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If you can provide a raw file from a camera we're currently missing, if the sample we have is not under co, or if you can provide a more useful photo from a camera model we already support (but NOT a photo of a color target!), please upload that file now.


We are looking for shots that are:

  • Well-lit, pattern-full, scenery, low ISO. For example, a daylight landscape
  • NOT a color target
  • Lens mounted on the camera, cap off
  • Image in focus and properly exposed
  • Landscape orientation

We are NOT looking for:

  • color targets
  • Series of images with different ISO, aperture, shutter, wb, lighting, or different lenses
  • DNG files created with Adobe DNG Converter
  • Photographs of people, for legal reasons.

View only the non-co samples.

View all the cameras with no samples at all.

For the following brands we would love to have:

  • Panasonic: all the crops (1:1, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9).
  • Nikon & Sony: all the combinations of compression and bitness settings, plus all the raw sizes, that is:
    • 12bit-compressed
    • 12bit-uncompressed
    • 12bit-lossless-compressed
    • 14bit-compressed
    • 14bit-uncompressed
    • 14bit-lossless-compressed
    • small NEF
    • medium NEF
  • Sony: Both the uncompressed RAW and compressed RAW.
  • Sony: For the full-frame cameras, both the normal raw, and the APS-C crop.
  • Canon (current CR2 cameras): RAW, mRAW, sRAW.
  • Canon (future CR3 cameras): RAW, C-RAW.
  • Canon (CHDK): Both the old-style CRW, and new DNG.
  • Leica: Both compressed and uncompressed and all the crops (1:1, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9).
  • Pentax: Both PEF and DNG.
  • Phase One A/S, Leaf (IIQ): IIQ-L, IIQ-S.
  • Hasselblad: Both 3FR and FFF
  • Fujifilm: Both the old uncompressed RAF and new compressed RAF (if supported).

If your camera model can produce more than one type of output please consider uploading the entire set.


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Full mirror available via rsync or https. Use 'rsync -avL rsync://raw.pixls.us/data/ raw-pixls-us-data/' to make a full mirror.


The following persons have given raw files on rawsamples.ch (unsorted order):

Ismael González, Martin Bloss, Reinhard Fetzer, Jens Duttke, Marco Rutz, Rainer Kriewald, Sergej Medvedev, Hans Schrotthofer, Marc Keune, Michi, Wolfram Soens, Ralf Geßner, Wolfgang Nickolay, Wolfgang Peisl, Andreas Pla., Oskar Teichmann, Martin Egger, Markus Schlieper, Peter Carsten, Uwe Mochel, Emil Eschenbach, Francis Willems, Ivaylo Iordanov, Gary Bainbridge, Ludger Jöster, Malcolm Barron, Andreas Norén, Michael Adams, David List, Urs Dünner, Dieter Bethke, Surinder Ram, Alexander Konopka, Udi Fuchs, Hans-Dieter Poppe, Bob Horton, Cyril Brunner, Niels Kristian Bech Jensen, Gerhard Hagen, Benjamin Adler, Jan Borgers, Frank Homann, Dirk Volkmann, Siegfried Henning, John Lightner, Gordon Goodsman, Yves Boyadjian, Paolo Massei, Elia Vecellio, Joerg Hoevel, Peter Gößweiner, Mike Newman, Thomas Lamprecht, Bernard Moschkon, Andrik Sieberichs, Dave Nicholson, Phil Harvey, Elia Vecellio, Suriya Matsuda, Matt Sephton, Tim McCormack, Zach Stuart, Horst Wittenburg, Dr. Falk Langhammer, Benjamin Derge, André Gärtner, Johannes Waschke, Anwar El Bizanti, Tim Beeck, Scott Picton, Adam Bryant, Heiko Kaufhold, Alexey Zilber, Andreas Isenegger, Radek Niec, Jean Glasser, Mats Karlsson, Willi Müller, Simon Schmitz, Till Grigat, Alexander Konopka, Alistair Jackson, Adrien Béraud, Aron Eisenpress, George Stiber, Robert Jackson, Phil Harvey, Sergej Medvedev, Marcel Cuculici, Chi Zhang, Fernando Prado, Prof. SAI GIRIDHAR KAMATH, Anders Torger, Herik Aiolfi, Marcel Wagner, Razil Shaikh, Haiyan Qu, James Wyper and many others.

raw.pixls.us is used by darktable for regression testing of rawspeed and by RawTherapee. It is available for any projects that need access to a library of raw files.

raw.pixls.us uses the excellent exiv2 and exiftool for extracting the metadata of the raw files. Go read Robin Mills' book about Exiv2.